Set in Finland’s tranquil Hanko Peninsula, the series takes a sudden turn when unidentified mercenaries invade, isolating the area and plunging it into chaos.
This first season portrays the human drama unfolding amidst these extraordinary circumstances. From the perspective of the individuals trapped within the occupied territory, the narrative resembles a real-life “Call of Duty” experience, as they grapple with the harsh realities of the invasion. Meanwhile, in Helsinki, the President’s inner sanctum of power navigates palace intrigue and political maneuverings that could determine the fate of Europe.
Amidst the vibrant backdrop of Scandinavian midsummer, Conflict juxtaposes the beauty of the natural landscape with the sinister events unfolding on screen across six gripping episodes. Through its compelling narrative, the series raises pertinent questions about the potential triggers of the next world war, their likely locations, and the global response they might evoke.
Cast: Peter Franzén (The Abyss), Frits Soetmann (Codename: Annika), Sara Soulié (The Final Race)
Conflict is MTV Finland's most successful original drama premiere to date, with the multi-award-winning show breaking ratings records on all platforms.