You thought they were far away, in the wild. Wrong. They’re here; the urban invaders!
Some wild animals not only tolerate our presence, they’re even drawn to us and our behaviour. No matter if they move about on legs or wings – raccoons, parrots, giraffes and many, many more, have learned to adapt to human habitats with remarkable ingenuity.
There are those that have learned how to deal with busy roads, like the Cliff Swallows. They have traded their wild, ancestral homes for modern real estate; highway bridges and overpasses. Here, they’re safe from predators but it’s still a dangerous place to live…
What would life be like in your city without these wild, unexpected encounters – a red squirrel nesting in the bird feeder, a duck on the balcony looking for crumbs or a hedgehog stealing the cat’s food? Big and small, mammal, insect or bird – our cities provide the perfect environment for urban wildlife to thrive.
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