Natural History and Wildlife

Wolverine: One Tough Mother


As we journey through a rollercoaster year in Freya’s life, she is faced with a multitude of milestones and challenges to prove herself worthy to be called ‘wolverine.’

Few animals awake more mystic and fear merely by mentioning their name… Wolverine. Glamourised for its courage by Hollywood, villainised by ancestral folktales, deemed a lone killer confined to the far north. But what is the truth behind these myths?

We meet Freya, a lone wolverine living in No Man’s Land, a track of barren wilderness between Russia and Finland. To survive here, she needs to be clever. And it’s not just her that needs to survive: in her winter den, there are two newborn cubs. It’s now up to Freya to teach her two cubs how to become wolverines.

Wolverine – One tough Mother opens the door to this little-known creature. For the first time, viewers will get a unique insight into these misunderstood animals. Working with scientists, our cameras locate a den and film never-before-seen behaviour of mother and cub interaction. And we follow the cubs as they grow and are taught how to survive in No Man’s Land.


Programme Details

1 x 60'
smithsonian channel 2
4K / HD