
The world of bats is incredibly diverse with some beautifully bizarre adaptations. This film reveals the secret world of these often misunderstood creatures, covering a wide variety of bats in different locations around the world.

When night falls, the sky comes alive. One in every four mammals on the planet is a bat, but fear for these creatures is often misplaced. Not all bats are blood-sucking beasts - it is only the Vampire bat that has that unfortunate habit. The world of bats is actually incredibly diverse with some beautifully bizarre adaptations.

There are the Sucker-footed bats that crawl vertically up leaves, the Bulldog bats that have become expert fishermen and the Pallid bat that has evolved to hunt the deadliest scorpions on the planet. This film reveals the secret world of these often misunderstood creatures, covering a wide variety of bats in different locations around the world.

Gory tales of blood-sucking bats are not just in the movies. The Vampire bat is a very real nightmare. This bloodthirsty creature hunts down its victims using heat sensors in its nose. They are experts at finding warm veins beneath the skin, and the sharpest teeth in the animal kingdom slice through flesh like a hot knife through butter. They must drink fresh blood every night or die…


Programme Details

1 x 60'
National Geographic Wild
4K / HD