Shark scientist, Dr Craig O’ Connell is on a quest to reveal the predatory mysteries of the Great hammerhead shark, aiming to uncover exactly how it hunts and unearthing the secrets of its migratory behavior. Using a combination of technology, sheer guts and an unprecedented Hammerhead dissection, Dr O’ Connell and his team will shed new light on the unseen activities of this deep water predator.
Despite its massive size, the Great hammerhead often avoids encounters with humans. Its ferocity and effectiveness as a killer should never be underestimated however – after all, it makes a daily meal of large, venomous stingrays. One place to study this type of predation is the small island of Bimini, situated just 50 miles from the coast of Florida. Surrounded by reefs, countless sandbars, and with a very small human population, it’s a hot spot for big predatory sharks. The sandbanks attract the stingrays, and with stingrays come the Great hammerheads. In the winter months, the hammers rise from the depths of the Gulf Stream and infiltrate the clear shallows of Bimini. This environment provides Dr O’Connell with the perfect opportunity to conduct his research in the shark’s own domain.
With the help of detailed computer generated imagery, Dr O’Connell will reveal the secrets hidden within the Great hammerhead, and he applies this knowledge when he tracks the sharks with his dummy stingray.
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