Natural History and Wildlife

Africa's River Titans


Africa's rivers are lifelines teeming with majestic wildlife, where elephants, hippos, crocodiles, and leopards thrive in a vibrant tapestry of survival and serenity.

Africa's rivers are not just bodies of water, they are lifelines for an incredible array of wildlife, shaping landscapes and nurturing an extraordinary diversity of species. From the mighty Zambezi to the iconic Nile and the lush paradise of Gabon’s Ogooue, these rivers serve as sanctuaries and battlegrounds for some of Africa's biggest and most imposing inhabitants.

With their immense size and gentle demeanour, elephants rely on the rivers for sustenance. Their daily rituals of drinking and bathing paint a serene picture against the backdrop of the flowing waters. Alongside them, hippos bask in the sun and submerge themselves in the cool depths while giant pythons cruise the waterways. Ancient crocodiles, masters of stealth and patience, lurk beneath the surface, their predatory instincts finely honed over millennia. We witness the thrilling spectacle of a crocodile's hunt as it waits for unsuspecting prey to venture too close to the water's edge.

Amidst the towering elephants, hippos and formidable crocodiles, smaller but no less fascinating creatures also carve out an existence along the riverbanks. Porcupines forage for food in the undergrowth, their quills serving as both armour and a warning to potential predators. Above, the martial eagle soars majestically through the sky, its keen eyes scanning the landscape below for signs of opportunity. Dwarf crocodiles stalk the watery mangrove forests of Gabon while civets plunder crocodile eggs on the banks of the Limpopo. Stealthy and elusive, the leopard embodies the spirit of Africa's rivers, navigating the rugged terrain gracefully and precisely, its spotted coat blending seamlessly with the dappled light filtering through the trees.


Programme Details

1 x 60'