Movie / Drama

True Justice: Family Ties

Movie / Drama

True Justice: Family Ties

A law school student and her friends, set out to prove her brother's innocence but the only way to clear his name is by finding the real killer.

Casey Barlowe, a third-year law student, faces the devastating reality of her brother Marcus's conviction for the murder of her friend, Devina. Despite the guilty verdict, doubts linger in Casey's mind, especially when she discovers crucial evidence omitted during the trial: a second set of fingerprints on Devina's face. Determined to uncover the truth, Casey, alongside her roommate Sarah and fellow student Eli, embarks on a quest to exonerate her brother and find the real killer.

As Casey delves deeper into the case, she uncovers startling connections leading to Kurt Teller, a parolee with a history of violence. With the help of PJ, a judicial clerk, and Liam, a resourceful private investigator, the team pieces together a complex web of events implicating Devina's father, Frank, in the murder. Frank's confession, captured on Kurt's phone, provides the missing link that clears Marcus's name and brings Devina's true killer to light.

With justice served, Casey's determination to seek truth extends beyond her personal ordeal. Rejecting an offer from the district attorney's office, she resolves to join the Victim Integrity Unit, dedicated to exonerating the wrongfully accused. Casey's journey not only vindicates her brother but also ignites a passion for advocacy, ensuring that others facing wrongful accusations receive the justice they deserve.

Cast: Katherine McNamara (Shadowhunters, Arrow), Markian Tarasiuk (There’s Someone Inside Your House)


Programme Details

1 x 90'