The Gourmet Detective series of Movies is based on Peter King’s best-selling novels.
After previously joining forces to solve a murder at a five-star restaurant, Henry and Maggie are once again reunited.
This time, the action unfolds at a luxurious resort where Henry is a guest presenter at a gourmet food conference and Maggie is, reluctantly, taking a much-needed vacation. When a journalist staying at the resort disappears and is found murdered, Henry and Maggie team up to untangle a complicated web of mystery – involving the journalist, a movie star and high profile fixtures of the San Francisco restaurant scene – and solve the murder. A generous helping of suspense is served as Henry uses his vast culinary knowledge to help crack the case before the killer gets away.
Cast: Dylan Neal (Fifty Shades of Grey), Brooke Burns (Baywatch)
Additional Titles Listing:• The Gourmet Detective (1 x 90')• Eat, Drink and Be Buried (1 x 90')• Death Al Dente (1 x 90')• Roux the Day (1 x 90')
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