Natural History and Wildlife

Pelagos – The Mediterranean Whale sanctuary


Discover the Pelagos Sanctuary, a protected haven in the Mediterranean where dolphins and whales thrive, showcasing the rich biodiversity and daily spectacle of marine mammals in their natural habitat.

A triangle of hope for the Mediterranean’s Cetaceans lies between Corsica, Nice and Genoa, an area protected from dangerous fishing practices, where dolphins and whales thrive.

Ninety thousand square kilometres of sea where whales and dolphins can prosper; one of the richest stretches of ocean in terms of biodiversity, but also some of the most highly populated coastal areas. The Pelagos Sanctuary offers refuge to marine mammals, a place where mid depth trawl nets are forbidden, and home to nearly nine thousand types of microscopic organisms that form the base of one of the word’s richest food chains offering a daily spectacle of dolphins and whales in their thousands.


Programme Details

1 x 60'
4K / HD