Dream It To Be It is a live-actioner series that revolves around kids—many with disabilities—who know what they want to be when they grow up. The series will serve as a platform of encouragement for children of all abilities to explore potential options for their future, and know their dreams and passions are possible.
In the series, we meet and get to know 21 kids with different abilities who share their stories, their passions and what they want to explore for their futures.
In every episode, our friend and host Tai meets and learns about our wonderful participant and their dreams. He then plans two adventures to go on that help provide different experiences related to their interests and passions. These adventures can range from challenges and activities with Tai, meeting special guests and getting hands-on experiences from experts. With Tai by their side, our participants learn to explore their dreams, take the lead in playful, interactive challenges and scenarios, ask all the questions they want to, (“How long does it take you to put all your firefighting gear on, and do you ever use the boots to splash in the mud?”) and most importantly learn to believe in their ability!
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