In Ruaha National Park, the dramatic saga of three lion families linked together by a strange, beautiful oasis called the Glade. The Glade is the territory of two old lionesses and their cubs. This small pride can bring down an adult giraffe – a remarkable skill.
A magical Baobab forest spreads out beyond the Glade, the territory of the Baobab pride. They are also adroit giraffe hunters but it is the prides’ size that is special – they are the largest in all of Ruaha.
The third pride are drifters – lean, mean and ruthless. They are the Njaa. They follow the buffalo herds. The herd is their territory and they are experts in the dark art of the buffalo kill. When destiny conspires to bring the prides together it is all out war. Why are these lions intent on destruction?
‘The Lions Rule’ is a bewitching saga that unfolds in a place where animal behaviour is unusual, sometimes bizarre. Here, lions lay down with baboons, lions kill giraffes, giraffes mourn their dead and buffaloes fight back.
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