The series aims to reinvent the genre with its artful, high-impact approach to fitness, combining dramatic cinematography with original music and world-class trainers in epic locations. The series takes viewers of all levels through simple to complex movements with the goal of getting them moving with agility, strength, and power, not only in their workouts but in their everyday lives as well. The inspiring instructors, elite-level training, and cinematic experience will keep viewers coming back again and again.
The series is organized into 5 themed packs of 5 episodes each: Kickboxing. Resistance Training, Athletic Movement, Boxing, and Weight Training. Each 30-minute episode includes a warm-up, workout class, and cool down, and introduces audiences to one of the five styles of movement practice.
Trainers include:
Adrian Gaskin: Adrian has been an elite personal trainer for over a decade. Hailing from Raumati Beach, New Zealand, Adrian’s diverse client list features people of all ages and backgrounds looking to move and feel better.
Dom Termansen: Dom is a professional football player with the BC Lions and a lifelong athlete and mover. Hailing from North Vancouver, Canada, he believes in multi-sport participation and grew up playing lacrosse, basketball, and football.
Farinaz Lari: Farinaz is an Iranian kickboxer. She was the first Iranian woman to win the World Kickboxing Championships.