Delve into some of history’s most notorious unsolved crimes with our panel of experts who guide us through the evidence and shed new light on old mysteries...

In Killer Cases, a panel of experts walk you through the evidence of several cold cases, including infamous serial killings, Hollywood scandals, a royal assassination, and more.

With their combined expertise in history, chemistry, biology, and forensic anthropology, these experts grant you the opportunity to look at these events through the lenses of both history and contemporary science.

While thousands of crimes go unsolved every year and often fade quickly from the headlines, there are some cases that continue to fascinate us for decades or even centuries.

What is it about these cases - usually murders or mysterious deaths - that hold our interest? Why do professional and amateur investigators alike keep revisiting these grisly incidents?

Episodic Breakdown
Episode 1: The Ripper and the Romanovs
Episode 2: Black Dahlia and Zodiac Killer
Episode 3: Hollywood, Jesse James, and the Cannibal


Programme Details

3 x 60'