This one-hour special immerses the viewer in the world of the Komodo dragon. Using unique POV angles and over-shoulder filming, we reveal the truth behind these real-life legends on an epic journey of trial and tribulation, travelling alongside the biggest male on the island.
It’s hard work being the world’s largest lizard on a small, far-flung island. Competition is so fierce they can’t afford to slow down while the sun’s up. Searing heat, lack of food and a high-maintenance metabolism threatens their survival across every hour of the day.
If that’s not enough, these iconic dragons have the smallest home range of any large predator on the planet. As climate change threatens to claim even more of their habitat, they face an uncertain future. Will they adapt? Or die? Armed with sword-like claws, venomous saliva and a chain-mail suit of scales, one thing is certain - they won’t go down without a fight.
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