Set in 1906, the series centres around a smart, bold 14-year-old named Theodosia Throckmorton (aka Theo), the daughter of two intrepid Egyptologists, excavating in the Valley of the Kings. When Theo and her younger brother, invention-mad Henry, stumble upon a hidden tomb and a mysterious artefact, the ‘Eye of Horus’, Theo unlocks the power to see and perform true magic, thus discovering a whole new world of mystery as well as danger.
Now, from her parent’s home, the world-famous Museum of Legends and Antiquities in the heart of Edwardian London, Theo must do battle with ancient forces, dark magic and comic chaos as she and Henry, along with their friends, street magician Will and Egyptian Princess Safiya, try to survive teenage life, get through education and… save the whole world!
Episodic BreakdownSeason 1: 26 x 30'Season 2: 26 x 30'
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