The Gourmet Detective series of Movies is based on Peter King’s best-selling novels.
San Francisco homicide detective Maggie Price and former, world-class chef Henry Ross are on the case once again. The crime-solving odd couple investigates the murder of Henry’s friend, a well-known local chef found dead in his kitchen. As they begin to unravel an old family secret, Maggie has to stay one step ahead of a mysterious man in the shadows who appears to be stalking her, while her blossoming relationship with Henry is threatened by the arrival of an ex-love from her past.
Cast: Dylan Neal (Fifty Shades of Grey), Brooke Burns (Baywatch)
Additional Titles Listing:• The Gourmet Detective (1 x 90')• A Healthy Place To Die (1 x 90')• Eat, Drink, and Be Buried (1 x 90')• Roux the Day (1 x 90')
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