Throughout 120 episodes, this procedural drama follows four longtime colleagues, who are also friends outside the hospital: Emmanuelle, head of the emergency department; Philippe, a psychiatrist; Isabelle, general surgeon; and Eric, an orderly.
The four are still in shock over the loss of François, Emmanuelle's lover and Philippe's best friend, who died a year earlier in mysterious circumstances. But St-Vincent Hospital - a parallel universe that never sleeps - allows no spare time to grieve, as the non-stop flow of patients in need of emergency care never ceases.
While coping with their own personal lives and day-to-day struggles, St-Vincent's fantastic four will dedicate themselves completely to the well-being of their patients, whose unique stories impact the staff's lives more than they could have ever imagined.
Cast: Suzanne Clément (I Killed My Mother), Patrick Labbé (To Catch a Killer)
Original Version Radio Canada (French): Following the first season's critical and ratings success, STAT has been re-commissioned!
Episodic Breakdown:
Season 1: 120 x 30'
Season 2: 120 x 30' (New)