Every family is a puzzle, and sometimes the pieces just don't fit.
The A Word follows a family who cannot communicate. Not because they aren’t clever, articulate or funny, but because - like most of us - there is a gulf between their deepest feelings and how they express those feelings. As the seasons unfold, Joe grows from a child into a boy. He begins to look at the world differently and finds he doesn’t fit in. "Autistic" is a word he has heard but doesn’t yet understand.
As season three begins, everything has changed for our family and Joe now living in two places at once, processing the seismic changes in his life through the filter of his autism. By shining a light on these unusual circumstances, The A Word has universal appeal for anyone who has ever been driven crazy by their family…
Episodic BreakdownSeason 1: 6x60'Season 2: 6x60'Season 3: 6x60'
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